miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008


Today, the families around the World have been changed for different reasons like technology, culture, economy, and some time for the politics too. In the ancient world families were very big and continued a lot of traditions about their religion. One of the most important cultures in the ancient world is the Egyptian, but actually how were the families in this culture years ago? The families’ Egyptian was very large and some time brothers and sister get married.

First the families’ Egyptian in the time of Pharaohs, has a lot of tradition that them to be respect. The tradition more important in the families’ Egyptian was the slavery. This traditions are very complicated and at the moment has been transformed the life style of people around the world.

Secondly, other tradition was that in the families’ Egyptian, was a tendency for siblings to get married. Some people in the ancient Egypt don’t get married between siblings but this decision caused many dead and murderers by the Pharaohs. Because of this, today have many families’ whit problems in the genes, because of the married between siblings and their children.

In conclusion, all the tradition that the families’ and people Egytian lived in the ancient age, are very dangerous for the evolution, some tradition at the moment show us a lot of things that today has been better. Some tradtions persist but they are controlled by the governments of each country.

By: Juan Camilo Perafan Saavedra



The Incan civilization

In the Inca community, the family was not an independent kernel, but an integral part. There was a man responsible for ten families. He had a duty to regulate the distribution of land and the production of food for all families. Above him there was another man in charge of a hundred families who had to report. He also had to calculate how food was given to the gods as a form of taxes and sacrifices. For this reason exist a work division. The men had working hard to move the land to enable women to sow the seeds for the crops. This division really was better than other civilization. The society was very hierarchical with many levels within levels. But on the other hand this machismo was really but for the actual American civilization.

There was a real big problem because the persons did not progress like other societies. The Incan civilization really was different that other civilization. And for her machismo actuality people in many countries of America are like are. The machismo in different countries of America is really extreme, for example in Colombia many men hit your husband, and they do not leave them to work. Besides in many countries of America the women are relegated for the house work, because the men consider that the hard work is for the men.

The actual American civilization is really influenced in her forbears, because they had really a machist society and in the actuality the American society is really Improper, machist and unjust with the women.
by Jorge Cortes

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008

Profile Juan Camilo

My name is Juan Camilo Perafán S. I'm a student of Business Administration on Sabana University. I live in Castilla a little neighborhood of Bogotá. On the other hand, I like rock music, and some times I play guitar. Always I have been so serious, but the people that who know me, in some case they have told me that I so funny and social person.

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008

Profile Jorge Guillermo

My name is Jorge Guillermo Cortes. I'm a student of Business Administration on Sabana University. I live in Aranjuez a new neighborhood of Bogotá. Besides, I like soccer, and I go to the gym. On the other hand my personality is really complicated, but I believe that the people that know me think that I am really funny.