miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

Vikings and Huns: two civilizations of looters

Many years ago, the world was in a constant development of civilization, trying to make life much easier for humans. Many of these advances were given by some groups that were given the name of ancient civilizations. Some of these civilizations were of the Vikings they was a group of people engaged in looting, robbery, and torture, on the other side were the Huns, another former great civilization. Although these two civilizations helped transform the world, each has different beliefs and traditions. What makes them similar and how their differences make them special?

First of all, these two civilizations have as many similarities in their abilities in battle and its purposes of obtaining power through the sacking. Besides, another great similarity was that they attacked much of Europe for many treasures and fortunes regardless of other towns and cities. Likewise, Vikings both as Huns, civilizations that were not believed in God and for this reason they were rejected.

On the other hand, the Vikings and the Huns had many differences that made them very special and unique. The Vikings compared with the Huns were people who believed in gaps deities and had their own god all mighty which was called Odin. Nevertheless, Huns believed much more in horses than in any god. Although these two civilizations were warrior, the Vikings were specialists in advance at sea and the Huns in horses.

In summary, these two great ancient civilizations had many differences but the way it got its treasures was really like. Each one had unique skills to achieve their goals and for this reason was very special for world development.

Written by Juan Camilo Perafan Saavedra



1 comentario:

English VII dijo...

Was in constant development. -- You can't have a development because dev. is a non-countable noun.

advances are made4 not given.

What do you mean by "...on the other side were the Huns, another former great civilization". AND how can you say great civil. if you just said the others were looting and plundering?

How DO their differences .... remember you auxiliary
as many similarities as what?... as __ as ___-- always.

their purpose - you are talking about both cultures, so you are talking in plural.

"Besides, another great similarity was that they attacked much of Europe for many treasures and fortunes regardless of other towns and cities." What do you mean by regardless of other towns?

Why did you chose the transition "likewise" ?

Likewise, Vikings both as Huns, civilizations that were not believed in God and for this reason they were rejected. -- sentence sturcture.

.....their own god all mighty which was called Odin. - WHO not which. Who is for people (and g-d)

way it got its treasures was really like. Why it if you are talking about both??

Each one had unique skills to achieve their goals and for this reason was very special for world development ---- don't you think that's a bit far fetched? Just because they are unique doesn't make them special. What did they contribute in terms of politics, military tactics, politics, science, etc??