martes, 20 de mayo de 2008


Today various sports are practiced that move billions of dollars a year. Like football, basketball, racing and others. They search only the diversion of people and provide higher incomes to athletes and their employers. On the contrast in the ancient Mayan civilization was practiced the ball game where they simulated a battle and one of the members of the loser group was sacrificed. Is really clear that the sports in the actuality are better that the sports in the Mayan culture.

The Mayan conceived the game of the ball like a ritual. This game represents the origins of the universe and search to reactivate the myths of the creation of the corn and other astronomical phenomena, the game had the diverse variants according to the time and the place, for the general a ball was used made of rubber that stuck with the waist, the knees, the shoulders and the elbows.

The current games are sports that don't represent specific, neither magnificent event; neither have they given drastic consequences as in the old cultures. The sports are considered a passion for all that that he/she practices them and they know that these they demand discipline and effort and also a passion for those that enjoy each one of the sport activities, obtaining at the end a positive or negative feeling in each one of people participates of the events without arriving to terrible consequences like it happened in the old cultures.

In conclusion we can observe that the sports have had an important evolution with regard to their objective passing of being cultural rites to activities that are carried out highly for amusement, passion and business.



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