lunes, 26 de mayo de 2008

The lauras exposured of Italy

The lauras exposured about italy was very good not only for his excellent knowledge of the subject but by how much didactic in the exposed.
I believe that after exposure to those attending the same not considered only as pasta dough but notice that there are different types and regions where they are most consumed.
On the other hand it is important to understand that knowledge of different cultures can lead to people being more educated and more aware of traditions around the world

by Jorge Cortés


During the week of the language at the Sabana’s University, my English teacher gave a presentation on their native country Italy. Described each one of the most important parts of this beautiful country and we made it very clear that life there is delicious. On the other hand, explained to us the different foods that are in each region this country, but are in the same country are very different and that makes it interesting. Finally the teacher spoke to us of the importance of football in this country and how important are their sports anthems, even more than the same country
In general was a nice presentation, filled with details that we complement each other communities soon as is the Italian

Written by Juan C. Perafan

martes, 20 de mayo de 2008


Today various sports are practiced that move billions of dollars a year. Like football, basketball, racing and others. They search only the diversion of people and provide higher incomes to athletes and their employers. On the contrast in the ancient Mayan civilization was practiced the ball game where they simulated a battle and one of the members of the loser group was sacrificed. Is really clear that the sports in the actuality are better that the sports in the Mayan culture.

The Mayan conceived the game of the ball like a ritual. This game represents the origins of the universe and search to reactivate the myths of the creation of the corn and other astronomical phenomena, the game had the diverse variants according to the time and the place, for the general a ball was used made of rubber that stuck with the waist, the knees, the shoulders and the elbows.

The current games are sports that don't represent specific, neither magnificent event; neither have they given drastic consequences as in the old cultures. The sports are considered a passion for all that that he/she practices them and they know that these they demand discipline and effort and also a passion for those that enjoy each one of the sport activities, obtaining at the end a positive or negative feeling in each one of people participates of the events without arriving to terrible consequences like it happened in the old cultures.

In conclusion we can observe that the sports have had an important evolution with regard to their objective passing of being cultural rites to activities that are carried out highly for amusement, passion and business.



Rites or religion: antiquity against modernity

Through the history, we have seen that different civilizations are affected by their own rites and rituals, which makes them special and unique. The Vikings as well as other great ancient civilizations had their own rituals to promote their interests. Some of these rituals today have lost their importance and really shows us that in antiquity the Vikings believed much more in the future of their habitants that the modernity. What kind of rituals we see in modern society seems to be a bit of Viking. Today we have religious rituals that help us know what kind of people and we will be coming in the future like the Vikings although some historians think that only old age will submit such rites.

First of all, The Vikings have specific rituals to determine who would come to be their children within the society of which it determined their names. The name for the Vikings is a very important symbol to people in this society as old, for this reason the Vikings are seeking to see their children born in good health so to give them the name that represents their future without fear of failure with this rite. At present the imposition of a name is just a ritual of identification to be registered so in a society, something very different from what they thought the Vikings.

Secondly, the religion in modernity has helped people to be more faithful and take a stand and live their lives better. Moreover, the Vikings have rituals to put names to time; the Vikings as well have rituals when it comes to marriages even the least spiritual rite. In contrast, for people of today the religion gives them greater confidence in making marriages today will strengthen marriage much more than in the old and in ancient societies like that of the Vikings.

In summary, although most rituals Vikings are not the same today for modern society, we can see that the beliefs according to religions are valid in some way.

By Juan Camilo Perafan Saavedra


miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

Vikings and Huns: two civilizations of looters

Many years ago, the world was in a constant development of civilization, trying to make life much easier for humans. Many of these advances were given by some groups that were given the name of ancient civilizations. Some of these civilizations were of the Vikings they was a group of people engaged in looting, robbery, and torture, on the other side were the Huns, another former great civilization. Although these two civilizations helped transform the world, each has different beliefs and traditions. What makes them similar and how their differences make them special?

First of all, these two civilizations have as many similarities in their abilities in battle and its purposes of obtaining power through the sacking. Besides, another great similarity was that they attacked much of Europe for many treasures and fortunes regardless of other towns and cities. Likewise, Vikings both as Huns, civilizations that were not believed in God and for this reason they were rejected.

On the other hand, the Vikings and the Huns had many differences that made them very special and unique. The Vikings compared with the Huns were people who believed in gaps deities and had their own god all mighty which was called Odin. Nevertheless, Huns believed much more in horses than in any god. Although these two civilizations were warrior, the Vikings were specialists in advance at sea and the Huns in horses.

In summary, these two great ancient civilizations had many differences but the way it got its treasures was really like. Each one had unique skills to achieve their goals and for this reason was very special for world development.

Written by Juan Camilo Perafan Saavedra



Two of the most important civilization around the history was the maya and greek civilization. But lived in different times departed the history of humanity since its existente.

First is important to say that this civilization had many similarities. The 2 civilization were vere important in their time. Besides the two civilizations believed in the existence of several gods. Moreover the 2 civilzaciones were interested in the exact sciences and wonderful constructions.

On the other hand the Maya civilization and Greek civilization had many differences. For example the greek civilization lived in europe mainly in what is now greece, while the Mayan civilization lived in central america in Belice, Guatemala, Honduras, El salvador, and Mexico.

Is important to say that although these civilizations lived in very different times and places both influenced on the future of their contients

By Jorge Cortés.

martes, 22 de abril de 2008


Batman is a really important superheroe, because his weapon are really good. Like batimovil, bati plain, bati gun. Batman is the strongest and fast, but Superman is the most important superheroe because his powers are really good and eficient.

Superman has x vision, he can fly and he is really fast. On the other hand Batman only has human powers that come for his elements. Batman dont has really powers and he use his skills for combat the criminals.

Superman and Batman have different similarities, for example they combat the criminals and to protec the planet of the criminals.

Is really important to say that Batman and Superman are the best superheroes but Superman is the most important for the heart of people

written by Jorge Cortés